Sunday, June 17, 2012

Packed and ready to roll!

Our backpacks are packed and sitting in the living room ready to roll!  We practice packed them on Wednesday and then checked and repacked them this morning.

We purchased an App called Packing Pro on the iPad, and after some SERIOUS shaving off the stuff we didn't need, we came up with a working list.

3 pair of shorts (or skirts)
5 shirts
1 long sleeve light
1 long sleeve fleece
5 undies
5 socks
1 pair of flip flops
1 pair of tennis shoes
1 pair of pants
and a swimsuit

Throw in some travel pillows (World's Greatest Adjustable Travel Pillow by Grand Trunk... we'll be sleeping on it for a month, so I'll let you know), bathroom supplies, granola bars, a dice game from my parents, cameras and electronics; and we're ready to roll!  We limited our list to what our carry-on backpacks  (and shoulders) could handle.  We could've gone even lighter, but wanted the chance to get settled into the RV before laundry day hit us.

We fly out tomorrow at 7:22 am and arrive the next day in lovely Germany at 10:22 am.  Grab a train, find the RV and we're off.

We've got 12 countries on the agenda (a very loose agenda at that)... Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Poland, Lichtenstein, Belgium, Holland, France, England,  and Luxembourg.  This is by no means in any order, and WILL change at any time.  I'm just excited about being there after 20+ years and plan on being in the moment.  

I'll check in later... next stop EUROPE!

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