Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Luggage Detail

I keep having flashbacks of a Top Gear (British edition) where the guys go caravanning; if you haven’t seen it, it’s a must see to truly get an idea of what camping is like over here.  We’ve fit into a rhythm of going, stopping for two nights at a campground, dumping all waste water and moving on.  That’s where the fun truly is…

This morning as we were divvying up our duties, Patience got dishes, Dennis had electric cord and clean water duty, and Matthew and I (once again) got potty luggage duty.  Matthew was excited to give it a “roll”.  So we pulled the little luggage box out of the cubby and proceeded to join the luggage march to the dumping station.

 It was our lucky day!  No one was at the sink, so we could just pull up and take care of business (so to say).  Our luck ended quite quickly when I opened the spout to dump over the sink and a wheel fell off onto the floor.  The smell was horrid at ground level!  After Matthew and I ran out of the room gagging, we went back in to accomplish our goal.  While gagging with our noses inside our shirts, I watched the handle dip into the sink. Then the little door to the flusher fell off!  Between laughing, running out of the little sink room gagging and begging for fresh air, our faces glued inside our shirts AND our potty falling apart; we got everything back into shape and casually rolled our luggage past the stern faced old man with his own baggage waiting in line.


  1. I'm sensing a poop trend in your posts (not that its not entertaining). Lets see some pics of the Lambs in action! You have at least one "ugly American" with you and I'm sure you can catch him in some compromising positions........and I'm not talking about Matthew.

  2. I agree with Wade...poop seems to be the highlight (or not) of your daily grind. It's a never-ending subject that can get real deep if not kept under control ;)
    Keep blogging Joy; I'm enjoying every post!
