Saturday, June 23, 2012

Our RV

Home for the next month

The kids on the road

Sky light window with the table to the right and the kid's bunks to the back.  Between the two spaces is the bathroom and the kitchen area is opposite the table.

As I mentioned before, we have a Fiat motorhome that, quite honestly, we love.  The head space is great and it makes it feel bigger than it really is. There's a skylight that opens up with a window crank above the table area, so it doesn't feel too dark.  The hot water heater is awesome and you can actually take a shower in it quite easily.  The whole water system is super quiet as well. The bathroom floor is one big shower stall and there's a curtain that you pull in a circle that blocks out the toilet and sink to create a shower area.

There is one downside to it though.  It turns out that the toilet system isn't like what we're used to.  Every morning there's a procession of men (plus me) headed to the bathroom facilities dragging a piece of "luggage" with them.  After our first night camping, I learned that the "luggage" is actually the septic tank and Dennis' stomach doesn't tolerate a "dump" too well.  Now it's me dragging the luggage with the boys.


The other strange things about our RV is it only has a three burner stove top, no oven or microwave.  Not the end of the world, but it does limit the cooking options.  We haven't hit any campgrounds that offer fire pits, but they DO have restaurants.


  1. Well it may not be the VW Scirocco we tore up the Autobahn with on our way to Munich. But at least it's also not the Metalic Pea Queen family Truckster that Clark W. Griswald was forced to undure HOURS of cramped family fun in. lol I am SOOOOOO jealous of you all. It has always been a dream to return to the country that was the begining of my adult life. The time we all never forget!! Just listening to your trip over the pond reminded me of the feeling of excitement on my first trip over too. The feeling of the unknown adventure!!! DId Denny's german sound like "Ein Bier Bitte" or was it "Vho ist der banhouf?" thats about the extent I remember!! LOL PLEASE be safe and have FUN!!!!! You guys are AWESOME!!! love you.

  2. Now that is not fair. Dennis should be pulling his share of the weight. I suggest that he use a plastic bag and haul his own schnitzel until he can buck up.

  3. What a joyous moment! I am vicariously taking this trip through you and your family; it sounds like you guys are making the most of everything, which is what I would expect from you.
    As far as your "luggage", at least it's not a 55 gal can you have to haul to the burning pits and you look absolutely striking while toting it behind you :) Take care and be safe!
