Monday, July 2, 2012

Tonight we are bedding down at a beautiful campground on the Austria-Germany border and somewhere near us lies the Neuschwanstein Castle, the one Disney used for inspiration for their castle.  We pulled up to the campground in a light rain that’s been following us for the past day and a half.  It’s a great relief from the 90-something degree weather we had just yesterday as we toured Rothenburg, o.d.T.  We chose our campsite tonight because of the proximity to the playground and we were facing a farmer’s field with cows in it.  As the clouds clear, there are two perhaps three, castles in the distance just on the other side of a wonderfully gray-blue lake.  Dennis is capturing the moment with the camera and a glass of wine.  My companions are my laptop and coffee.   The kids are using the break in the weather to hit the playground.  We’ve reserved our spot for two nights so we have all day tomorrow to check out the castles and nearby communities.

It’s been wonderful wandering about with no real agenda.  We spent an amazing four nights with our old Army friend Michael and his beautiful family.  It was a welcome break after spending so much time in the eastern part of the country to see the rolling hills and thriving communities.  Michael lives near Giebelstadt, Germany, where all three of us were stationed.  It was great sharing and reliving our old memories as we explored our old post and the surrounding area.  Gieb is now just a sad shell.  They did a great job cleaning it out before turning it back over to Germany.  Where once manicured grounds were, the trees are now reclaiming it all.  The blacktop has trees growing through it and the buildings sit like skeletons.  Patience kept asking me if I was sad to see it like it is and gave me permission to cry; not that I needed it.  I kept assuring her that MY Gieb wasn’t just the PLACE but the PEOPLE who helped shape MY memories.  It was great having the three of us together while we explored all we could legally.  I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I think it pretty much met my expectations.


  1. I saw all the pictures Michael posted on Facebook-talk about taking me back. Of course, I had to overlook a lot of the overgrowth to draw on my past. It's a little difficult to remember all the buildings without actually being there-things looks quite different in pictures!
    Happy travels!

  2. It was sad. It's too bad that they're not using it for something. All the beautifully functioning buildings are just sitting. There are a few businesses using the post, but most of it is just abandoned looking. It could be a movie set ready made! Just move in the crew!
