Monday, July 9, 2012

Greetings from Zurich!

Well, we've pressed our luck and made it to one more campground without a reservation. Den and I decided if we would have waited two more weeks to start our vacation, we wouldn't have been so lucky on finding available spots. We would have actually had to make plans and reservations. So tonight it's camping in Zurich, Switzerland. Last night we stayed in, perhaps the only, campground in Lichtenstein and it was great. We had some of the best pasta and schnitzel EVER at the restaurant in the campgrounds. $158 US dollars later, we settled down to a beautiful night of pouring rainstorms on a tin roof. It actually got so loud that we all put ear plugs in! Our day started out quite late. Our RV has this wonderful feature of blackout blinds. You can sleep the night away and wake up at 9:30 in the morning feeling fully refreshed and it's still dark out. We might blame our inability to wake up on time when we get home to jetlag, but chances are the blackout blinds have spoiled us. By the time we got out of the campground it was 10:40am, so we decided to ride the chairlift up the ski hill and walk amongst the cows, complete with the big bells on, back to the bottom. Matthew and Patience have decided that we have to come back this winter and try out a few runs... Oh to come on someone else's dime and dream! It turns out we have some great pictures of the cows and video/audio of the bells, but I need to get to a stronger and faster wifi to give you a listen and see. Lichtenstein and Switzerland are beautiful beyond imagination and even sweeter than our memory serves. Around every turn is something magical out of a story book. We ditched the autobahn system and opted for the killer mountain passes for three days; definitely recommended way to go! Although we must warn, our motor home is quite large according to European standards and we've left kilometers and kilometers of farmers and cows alike in awe we've made it to where we've been. We must also note, parking this thing has also been a challenge. Spots for BMWs and such just don't cut it. We've decided a few times to play the "touist in a rental" and have found superb parking in front of a few fortresses and churches. We have yet to get a ticket or even a scolding and the locals seem to understand. We also understand that it fits through tunnels nicely that are at least 3.6 meters high. We've decided not to push our height limits any farther and you have to stay in the center, not veer right or left. I'm in charge of tunnel running in the little villages and making sure it clears. We've had a few horns honk but they'll remember us and we have German plates! All in all, We've enjoyed many of the different customs of the road, to include shameless staring. Now the Lamb Fam proudly waves vigorously until they smile from behind our shroud of white RV as we cruise the lovely highways and byways. I don't know if it's the mega-rental RV, but no one seemed to notice when I left the floormat pasted to the front of the hood while driving down the road! It does however dry faster at 120 kph. It wasn't until Den slowed down that we even noticed it was still there! All fun aside, we are starting to plan our exit strategy. I'll still be updating some of our adventures and adding pictures after we land back in states. We're going to check out a bit of old city Zurich tomorrow. We've had our fill our tourist shops and window peaking. Then we're headed to Paris, which is a seven hour push. It's been nice to be able to pull to the side of the road at a parkplatz and snooze for a few hours, then continue on. Once again, we don't have reservations, but luck has been on our side. Only eight days left until we fly...

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